First ANZ Liver Transplant
In 1985 the first liver transplant was performed in Australia or New Zealand.
1985First Report Created
In 1988, the first three established liver transplants units in Australia (New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria) agreed to combine their data from all the liver transplants performed so far into a central database, to provide an overall report of Liver transplantation and the outcomes. The first report was produced and annual reports have been produced since then.
1988Initial Funding
Initial funding for the ANZLTR from 1988 – 2000 was by the liver transplant units.
1988South Australia and Western Australia commenced liver transplantation
1992New Zealand commenced liver transplantation
Collaboration between Australia and New Zealand leads to the establishment of a consolidated data collection, named the Australia and New Zealand Liver Transplant Registry (ANZLTR).
In 2001 the first agreement with the Commonwealth of Australia government provided funding for a part-time data manager and report production costs.
An ANZLTR Management Committee was formed and members come from the Head or a senior consultant for each of the liver transplant units and the ANZLTR data manager.
Occasional financial support has been received from pharmaceutical companies to assist in specific database development.
2001Web Based Database Developed
In 2003 the Management Committee decided to move to a web based format and the liver transplant units provided the funds for the development of a web based database.
2003Data collection in new web based platform commences
After importation of historical data, prospective data collection in the web based platform began in January 2004.
Data collection is real time with data added as it occurs. With the advent of this format listing data was collected for the first time and since then all new listings and their outcomes have been collected.
2004Data Collection Expanded
Since 2005 there has been a consistent expansion of the data collected starting with a module for the collection of hepatocellular cancer data in 2005.
Subsequent expansion has covered information of urgent listings, living donors, pregnancy and data relevant to the annual Nationally Funded Centres Report of paediatric transplantation activity.
2005Wait-listing for intestinal transplantation
First patient wait-listed for intestinal transplantation
2007In 2007-08 the Commonwealth Funding Agreement was extended to include the costs of the web based program hosting and software that the units had been funding up until then.
This extended funding also included monies for data entry services and some further development of the database.
Currently the ANZLTR is fully funded by the Australian Government Organ and Tissue Authority [AOTA].
2007-2008First Intestinal Transplant
First intestinal transplantation undertaken by the Australian Intestinal Transplant Service at Austin Hospital in Melbourne, Victoria.
2010Registry name change
The Registry name is changed to the Australia & New Zealand Liver and Intestinal Transplant Registry, to reflect the incorporation of reporting of intestinal listing and outcomes in the Annual Report.
2019Ethics Approval Obtained
Formal Human Research and Ethics (HREC) approval for the Registry was obtained in 2019 through Monash Health under the National Mutual Acceptance Scheme.
2019ANZLITR Report
An ANZLITR report is produced annually containing data to end of the previous year and is available on this website in June each year.